I met this guy at the grocery store. He followed me around like a little puppy dog. It was flattering and he was kinda cute and a little sexy so I smiled and flirted a bit. That is the kinda thin that ladies do. He even earned my number…lol. Though I considered it, I didn’t give him that whole “let me take yours” line.
I must say that after our first conversation, I was a little impressed. However, I was still working on keeping him at bay. I have this knack for running men away. It actually has been a goal of mine. So, on the way to seeing him a second time, I’m mentally preparing myself to not like him. I don’t even remember what he looks like; he’s probably isn’t that cute. Then, I pulled up and see him. Dang it, he’s fine…help me Holy Ghost! I can’t help the fact that I have a thing for hard working gentlemen with a dash of thug. (THANK YA!)
He invited me to dinner Saturday afternoon. We talked and enjoyed the company. It was really cute that he cooked for this vegetarian seeing that when I met him, the contents of his grocery basket was 3 package of meat lasagna, turkey bacon, and a box of Lucky charms. There wasn’t a single fruit or vegetable…lol. It starts to get late, it’s raining, and I’m sleepy so I tell him I need to go. My gas tank was on empty so I ask him where I can find the closest station. He looked out the window at the dark rainy mist, “You want me to trail you to the gas station so I can pump the gas for you. I don’t want you out in this mess.”
I must say that he stunned me with that one. I’ve always wanted a man who actually showed me that type of chivalry, but when it came, I was a little dumbfounded. There are women who have known this type of treatment their entire lives, but that just isn’t my testimony. Sure, I like to be spoiled so I make sure I spoil myself, but it’s so much better when someone is doing it for you. In my puzzlement, I questioned, “Umm, it’s raining and late. Isn’t it a bit of an inconvenient to do that for me?”
He raised his voice slightly and it grew firm, “See, you need to get that out of your head. Making you happy is not an inconvenience to me.”
That was the curve ball for me. I was doing a decent job at keeping him an arm’s length from my heart, but for some reason, that just caused a wall to fall. He didn’t mind making me happy; in fact, he actually wanted to make me happy.
The following morning, I was a guest on an early morning radio program. We were talking about God’s love and how important it is to know his hear. I shared scriptures, admonished in my “preacher” voice, and dialoged with the host. Midway through the program, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to share the gas station story from the night before. I knew this guy was listening and I had done a pretty good job of keeping my feelings veiled; so, I tried to ignore the spirit. Notice, I said, “I tried.” The Spirit was relentless not for this guy’s sake, but for the sake of God’s own character. I’d experienced a living parable the previous night that illustrated the love of God. I know there are those prayers I didn’t want to pray because I didn’t want to bother God. Yet, he bids us seek, ask, and knock because he delights in us. Loving you is not an inconvenience to God.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago