Tomorrow will mark the two-year anniversary of that life changing grocery run at Aldi. It was the day I met my husband. He would propose about two weeks later. In another week, I’d say yes. Four months later we would be married. And, the rest is history.
It all happened so quickly, but with much prayer and fasting. For those who have heard our testimony, it is one only God could write seasoned with all the signs and confirmations anyone could ask for and I asked for a lot. If you haven’t heard it, you should because it is a good story and we like to tell it. For us, it was clear that God brought us together.
So, let’s fast forward to this weekend. We traveled to Atlanta for General Conference and to see family and friends. It was our first trip since the birth of our son, Isaiah. On the way home, we’d made it just past Chattanooga and Isaiah started yelling his head off. Two minutes later, we catch a flat going 70 miles per hour down I-24. We stop and I feed the baby as Dennis changes the tire. Then, back in the car and another hundred miles, we are back at home.
The next morning, I’m looking for my breast pump and I figure its still in the car. I go outside and pop the trunk. As, I’m opening it, I look down and see my husband’s wedding band. I figure it fell off when he was bringing the luggage in the night before. I grab it and make my way back in the house. Once inside, I hand Dennis the ring telling him that I found it on the car. He takes it and slowly begins to pace as if pondering something. Then, he looks up and tells me, “The last time I saw my ring was last night after I changed the tire. When I was finished, I wanted to clean my hands so I took it off and placed it on the bumper in front of the license plate.”
A hundred miles later, through the twist and turns, peaks and valleys of east Tennessee’s mountainous landscape, I found his ring on the car’s bumper in the same place he left it. The more I think of the terrain of the roads we traveled to get home, the more I’m amazed. Through the dark of night, we trekked up steep inclines, around the road’s bends, and over bumps, potholes, and a railroad track. Like our marriage, the path was an assortment of geography sometimes challenging and at others it was smooth sailing. It’s constant change and continual motion. And, the ring was held steady on the bumper the entire ride. Honestly, our marriage has been under attack for a few months and a point of constant prayer. And, it seems God just sent us a good omen. Two years ago, we knew God was with us as we started on this journey, and this weekend, he left us a reminder of his power to keep us regardless of where the road may lead.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago