I've trusted just about everything else...
Honey drips from lying lips
It was sweet to my ears
but rotted my bones
as salty rainstorms pounded my cheeks.
I trusted your touch.
The kiss and caress
I undressed
not knowing
whispering moans
tell the loudest lies.
I trusted what felt nice
knowing it wasn't right
cruisin' down the wrong road
as my soul corrodes
Piecing together the remnants
of innocence mostly lost,
I swear I'll never trust again.
Barricaded my soul in a fortress
Taking an occasional furlough for my pleasure
Never mind your pain
so long as I ward off my own heartbreak
A disillusioned heart
doesn't mind making love to cynicism
As resentment I embrace
Piety convinced me
distrust of every man is only wisdom
I've got God; who needs His creation.
Now reality convicts me
It's impossible to trust God
while doubting the move of His hand.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago