I just have to take a moment to praise the Lord. The psalmist reminds us that before we were ever born every day of our lives was already written in His book. Every day includes our good days as well as our bad days. It includes the days that we are faithful and everything goes just right and those days when we royally screw up. It was still written in God's book. The awesome thing is that He read the book before He decided to bless us. He went over the book before he called us and ordained us. He knew our failures and still decided to allow us to carry his Holy Spirit. Even in our short comings, every day of our lives was written in the book. And He is still working it out for our good. He stills perfects that which concerns us. If we got a chance to skip to the end of the book, the outcome is that we are VICTORIOUS!!! In all these things we are more the conquerers through Him who loved us.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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