Okay I took this off of someone's page. It really ministered to me. I needed to hear this today.
Ps. 42:11 Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.
Some days are good and some days are bad, and there are some days that you wish you never had. However, hope in God and He will bring you through. Whatever you are believing, He is able to do. Life can sometimes dish out blows that we are not ready for. We can find ourselves broken inside in a matter of seconds by situations around us. You know even as Christians, there are times that we have said to God, "I'm ready to come home because I can't handle the pressure." It's okay to feel this way, but for a second. Because the psalmist in this chapter, asked a question about why He is upset. Sometimes we have to start analyzing things around us. The Psalmist asked this question so that he can get to the root of the problem. It seems that even as he's searching for an answer, he starts to think about God being a Person who can do all things. Therefore he says to himself, "Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him."
You may not know how a situation is going to turn out. You may not know what will come of it, but one thing you must remember is where the Lord brought you from. In order for the Psalmist to be able to praise God, he had to remember what God brought him through in the past. He had to remember the joy that he felt when he basked in the Lord's presence. In God's presence, there is an overwhelming sense of joy that we should take advantage of. Call on the Lord, while He is near. Seek His face, while He may be found. Go into the Holy of Holies and start giving God praise. Focus on God and not what you are going through. This is what the Psalmist closed out with, "...for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God." He had to know that God would once again make him smile and be exceedingly glad. He had to know that the Lord loved him. He had to once before experience the love of God, the mercy of God, and the hand of God; and this is what drove him to the point to say, "I shall praise You." It is important my brother and my sister to give God praise nomatter what you are going through. Because when you stay in that place of depression, weakness, and distress you will find yourself being played by Satan. But when you raise up and give God glory, you not only play the devil, but you end his nonsense in your mind thus causing you to break free from his hold.
Lord, bless us to focus on you even through our hard times. We are tired of looking down everyday God. We are tired of feeling like we can't make it. We are tired of falling apart. However, we will still give you praise. We love you and thirst for you more than we have ever in our lives. You are our God and we are Your people. Thank God...Amen!
Tyree W. Foster
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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