When we are going through drama in our lives, our association is so vital to the outcome and how we will process things. There is such a wide variety of people, and it's good to spend time with them all in the journey. But, not everyone can see the journey through.
Crunk friends—These are your girls who will cut a brotha and help you hide the body. You love them because they are so ready to fight for you. I've found that you usually have to calm them down when it's all said and done. It's good to know that they are willing to do some time avenging you, but you have to keep on moving. They will have you slitting tires, smashing in windows, and stalking someone. When the rush is gone, the situation hasn't changed and you'll have to call someone to bail you out of jail.
Crying friend—This is the one you can get on the phone with and cry and talk about how much men suck. You guys can share a half gallon of cookies and cream, and it doesn't have to be a pity party for one. After you have vented and are just ready to sulk, this is the friend you can do it with. She can feel all your pain, and remembers her horror stories with her exes. You can have this for one night because when you wake up with a set of Louis Vutton luggage under your eyes from crying so much, and have to go to work, you will reconsider how long this goes on. This person helps validate your hurt, but if you aren't careful you will stay here and just nurse your hurts.
Get-a-grip friend—This is the friend who doesn't want to cut him, but is ready to smack the hell out of you. She really just wants you to see your own worth. Your relationship ended not your life. If it feels like your life is ending, it's because you made someone your life and gave them everything; only God deserves that place. As far as she is concerned, this is your life, and you have two options. You can pine away, passively watching life pass you by, or you can move on. This friend awakens you from your stooper and helps you to realize you are going about this entire thing wrong. She reminds you that blaming other's for the disparity in your life is not going to help. It's your life, and you and Jesus rule its destiny. You don't have to worry about getting stuck here because this friend is not going to bare your load…it's you and Jesus.
Midwife—This person who maybe considered a friend, but more than that, a mother. She's not going to get crunk with you. In fact, when you were going off and cussing folk out, she was praying for your hot head. You come to her when you want to sulk, but all she is talking about is love and forgiveness. You aren't ready to receive that word, yet. So, she prays. Knowing that she can't bare your burden, she keeps you lifted in prayer to the one who can. And when you were walking around pissed at the world, she gives you an encouraging word, or lets you know that she's praying. She knows that you need to get a grip, but it's not going to happen over night. She's willing to go with you through the process. Sometimes she's watching from a distance, but her prayers are always close. When you are so angry that you can't pray, God sends a midwife to remind you how to pray. She knows the pain of giving birth so she doesn't dismiss yours, but always challenges you to move beyond the pain. Midwifes have tasted the fruit of love and forgiveness and long for you to partake. Her words remind you, that God is perfecting your love walk, when you've stopped believing love is even real. She's that woman of faith shouting on the sidelines, "HOLD ON!", when you are ready to give up. Since she believes so hard, it gives you a reason to believe too. Eventually, you'll see how far you've come and be committed to seeing the process through.
Finally, you've made it out on the other side. Go visit your crunk friends in jail. Take your crying friend some ice cream to cheer her up. Your get-a-grip friend will be glad to see that you didn't lose it. Seeing you happy again, walking in peace, love and forgiveness, and knowing her prayers were not in vain is often the greatest reward for the midwife. Now, go do a victory lap and praise God you made it.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago