I never imagined it would feel quite this way
Even though for years I dreamed of this day
Truth is I never thought it would come
But, now that it has I find myself surprised
About the feelings I hold inside
I don't regret the years or a single tear
I'm grateful for all they joys and pain
While I never thought I'd say this
I'm actually thankful for all I gained
We usually are ready to let go
When the pain of hanging on overwhelms us
When we find ourselves finally fed up
But the truth is I wasn't in any pain
I'd already healed and forgiven
The angry river had long dried up
There was no hae or bitterness in the equation
Only the realization that it was time
I never stopped loving or even started regretting
Everything that we'd been through
I guess I just realized my hart had moved on
Even though I thought never would
I let go not because I was tired or angry
But, because there was someone else I wanted to hold
I knew I couldn't enjoy the something new
Without letting go of the old.
I pray God blesses and keeps you
And your dreams they come to pass
Maybe one day love will come again
And I pray that it will last
Thank you for every moment the good and the bad
The tears of joy and sobs of pain
You taught me how to love unconditionally
Even when I believed in love's impossibility
I didn't always enjoy the journey
But the outcome was well worth it.
You can't enjoy the pearl while despising the process
Or, love diamonds hating the pressure it took to create it
You can admire the colorful wings of a butterfly
But, they developed in the dark of a cocoon
I guess the process is about over
And, we've come to our journey's end.
I'll think of you with a grateful heart
And send my love before you
My prayers for you remain in heaven
Ever before God's throne
Heaven alone knows should our paths ever cross
But for now I'm letting go
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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