This weekend was one of the most stressful and draining weekends ever. I had a huge project due that was worth 100% of my grade. Then there was drama in my personal life that seemed to eclipse the project. However, I must say, timing is everything. I'm in seminary and my project for my Hebrew Exegesis class was to translate and write a commentary on the book of Ruth
Whenever we take time to intensely study the word of God, we are compelled to apply it to our lives. And I came to the realization that I'd been living beneath God's best. In fact, as I looked at the story of Ruth and Boaz. I was getting the exact opposite. There comes a time in every woman's life where she must see who she is in Christ, and realize her own worth. It's impossible to value yourself and allow someone to devalue you.
So here's one lesson on Ruth (more to come, hopefully)...
Boaz exceeded Ruth's expectations. That was before they were married. Ruth desired favor to gather grain in Boaz's field, but what he gave her was more than she could imagine. He first ensured her protection. While the law made provision for foreigners to glean the fields, not every owner wanted the city's poorest citizens gleaning. So it is not improbable that they were sometimes attacked and forced to leave. But, in his fields, there was security; he instructed his servants that no one was to hurt her or even touch her. It's time out for those relationships that are constantly breaking our hearts. In God's plan, there is a place of protection. That includes a man protecting your heart.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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