Love is me calling to wish you happy birthday
even though you missed most of mine.
Love is sneaking grandmama cakes and cookies
while she's waiting for dinner to get done.
You think it's the butterfies in your tummy
when you're digging the new guy
But it's really the tears running down your face
And ache in your heart
when you finally decide to let go
Love are the kisses on my cheeks
from that baby girl who looks like me
Love is the bottle of water at my doorstep
Cuz I'm too spoiled to drink from the tap
Love is me clipping your toenails
When heaven knows I hate to touch feet.
Love is vegan macaroni and cheese
Waiting for me when I decide to drive home.
Love is my brother calling in the middle of the week
He doesn't want a thing but to check on me
Love is dinner with old friends
And reminicing on old times we used to share
Love is dropping it like it's hot for old times sake
And that crazy video ending up on myspace
Love is that silly song I sing you everyday at work
Just because I love to see you smile
Love is that collection of little moments
that ususally make you laugh or cry; smile or sigh
It's the stuff that makes life worth living
And the numbness worth feeling.
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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