Eventually, we all have to settle the score. There comes a point when we have to deal with who we really are versus whom people say we are. Not everyone wants to settle it, but life and progress requires it. Everyone is going to see something different when they look at you. Some may look at you as if you are wasting potential while others see potential happening. The question is who are you really?
Recently, someone told me that I was going to disappoint a lot people, namely that person. So, I thought about my life. I graduated magna cum laude from college and I'm working on my masters (with no loans). I'm not living immoral, no children out of wedlock, and no man in jail. I love Jesus and I'm in active ministry. I have a full-time job with benefits, my own place, and I'm not free loading off of anyone. I got a good head on my shoulders and I live like it. Yet, disappointing.
Statements like that used to really get me down until I settled the score. I'm realizing that I'm going to disappoint people because I'm not who they say I am. "Fear of man will prove a snare, but whoever trust in the Lord is kept safe" (Proverbs 29:25). I can't live based on whether or not I'm going to be disappointing to people, but on whether or not I'm going to be disappointing to my God.
Do you know how disappointing Jesus must have been to the Jews? They are looking for a Messiah to deliver them from the Romans and to reestablish the throne of David. They are looking for a militant, and then Jesus comes on the scene. It was cool that he was healing the sick and feeding the crowds, but when was he going to take out the Romans. The Jews were looking for a right now king, but Jesus was talking about His kingdom was not of this world. And, just think how his followers felt when the Messiah who was to deliver them from the Romans was instead crucified by them.
"Who do men say that I am?" They had it wrong about him, what makes you think they are going to get it right concerning you. So who are you really?
We Are Worthy
11 years ago
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